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John is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and also a Fellow of the Charted Institute of Taxation. He has written several tax books and spoken on taxation matters at conferences throughout the world. He has also been an examiner for three professional bodies and a tax authority.
John moved to New Zealand and started work at NMIT in 2011. In 2014, he was awarded the NMIT Barns Award for Teaching Excellence.
Currently involved in research into pricing, capacity and cost of airlines, John’s previous research has included VAT and motor vehicles, VAT planning and tax avoidance.
John says what he enjoys most about teaching is “the interaction, seeing students grow and develop and learning from them.”
Bachelor of Combined Studies (History), Bachelor of Science (Applied Accounting), Postgraduate Diploma in Management, Postgraduate Diploma in Laws
Airline Pricing, Capacity and Costs, (2014), NZ Management Accounting conference, AUT, Auckland
VAT Planning ISBN: 978-075454-955-0
CCH London Woulters Kluwer
650,000 word book on how to manage and plan for VAT in the UK. This book was completely re-written and restructured in 2010. It is edited every month to update it for the constant changes in VAT.
Value Added Tax: The reference book for the self-employed and smaller business
ISBN: 978-85524-022-3
CCH London Woulters Kluwer
150,000 words edited each year to update the guide to VAT for small businesses.
British Value Added Tax Reporter ISBN: 978-086325-071-2
CCH London Woulters Kluwer
Loose leaf and electronic guide to VAT in the UK. This is the main guide to VAT in the UK for practitioners. I provide daily or weekly updates (as required) to the chapter on cross border transactions.
Australian GST Journal ISSN: 1445-4068
Thompson Reuters Sydney
March 27 2014
Balancing the books and getting more GST: A comparative study.
8,500 word article that examines some recent comments in the press, by accountancy firms and public policy think tanks regarding Australia’s structural deficit and the different taxation methods that can be utilised to resolve the structural deficit.
Tottel’s VAT Digest Issue 105 (2014) ISSN: 1746-7640
Sport and leisure
8,000 word digest on how VAT impacts sport and leisure in the UK
De Voil’s Indirect Tax Intelligence ISSN: 1363-9560
1,500 word articles on VAT advice, updates and developments
Publications in 2014:
215 March Pensions win
218 June Cross border transactions
219 July Leasing, hire purchase and partial exemption
220 August Staying offline
222 September Can you belong where you have no presence?
226 December The Definitive System – B2B Supplies of Goods
CCH VAT News ISSN: 2046-1143
1,500 word articles on VAT advice, updates and developments
Publications in 2014:
69/14 February Broadcasting, telecommunications and e-services
74/14 April Professional guidance
79/14 July Where do you belong?
84/14 October VAT groups
Croners’ Reference Book for Importers (VAT Chapter) ISBN: 978-0-900319-09-9
Croners London Woulters Kluwer
100,000 words of VAT advice for importers. This is updated once a year; 2014/15 is my first year for updating this reference book.
New Zealand Journal of Applied Business Research ISSN: 1175- 8007.
Manukau Institute of Technology
Qantas: Disappearing down the S Bend
An article describing the problems faced by Qantas and its possible solutions