Te Puna Manaaki
Support for Māori learners

Te Puna Manaaki

Te Puna Manaaki is the dedicated support service for all ākonga Māori & Pasifika enrolled at NMIT.
Te Puna Manaaki 2024 Logo

Nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai!

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Our team focuses on cultural support, acknowledging the physical, spiritual and whānau support central to the ākonga journey. 

We're a friendly team of Māori and Pasifika Kaimanaaki here to help you. You can find us at Te Puna Mātauranga (M Block) in M124 on our Nelson Campus, and in the Student Centre at Marlborough Campus. We also regularly visit Woodbourne and Richmond Campuses. 

Our whare is a safe space for you to drop in, say kia ora and discuss any support you might need.

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Te Puna Manaaki Services

Ways We Can Support You

  • Cultural support
  • Te Reo Māori
  • Pastoral and wellbeing
  • Study & equity support
  • Academic writing and APA referencing
  • Assistance with StudyLink
  • Scholarship and grant application support
  • Iwi registrations
  • Hardship & more

External Providers We Work With

  • Counselling
  • Social Work
  • Budgeting advice
  • Health services

Whakapā mai - Get in touch

Email tepunamanaaki@nmit.ac.nz and a Kaimanaaki will be in touch.

Meet the team

Ren Stronach

Ngātiawa, Ngāti Hauiti | Kaimanaaki

Mauri ora ki a tātou, Ko Ren ahau. I’m a Kaimanaaki, ākonga and māmā and am really passionate about all things Māori. My focus is finding the best ways for our team to support you on your learning journey. We provide a whānau support network here on campus and aim to make you feel welcome, connected, at home, and supported while you are here with us. From a cup of tea and a catch-up to study support, we are keen to connect, get to know you, and see where we can help.

‘Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.’

Ren Stronach

Kim Ireland

Te Arawa | Kaimanaaki

Tēna koutou katoa, Ko Kim ahau. I am a Kaimanaaki - Māori Support Advisor from Te Arawa, and have lived in Whakatū and Motueka since 2012. I have a background in the arts, kaupapa Māori research, academic writing, and referencing. I am a graduate of NMIT and currently completing a Masters in Māori Visual Arts through Massey University. I really enjoy the whanaungatanga and reciprocal learning that comes from walking alongside tauira.

Kim Ireland

Sue Stephens

Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Porou | Kaimanaaki

E rau rangatira mā, tēnā koutou, I am extremely privileged to work alongside our ākonga. My role is to manaaki and tautoko ākonga in all aspects of their study to achieve their academic, cultural, and personal goals. I tautoko with a range of study skills such as academic writing and research, APA referencing, scholarships, StudyLink applications, and hardship advocacy. E hari ana e koa ana te ngakau ki te manaaki me te tautoko i o rātou huarahi mātauranga. I am absolutely excited to be part of their learning journey. “Poipoia te kakano, kia puāwai” – Nurture the seed and it will blossom.

Sue Stephens

Hayley Pouanga

Social Worker

Kia ora koutou, I am Hayley, a Social Worker at NMIT. My role is to provide support and advocacy to ākonga who may be facing challenges or experiencing difficulties. I work closely with students to ensure they have the necessary resources and support to thrive in their studies and personal lives. I believe in empowering students to reach their full potential and helping them navigate any barriers they may encounter.

Hayley Pouanga
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